Superheldententoonstelling in New York

Via tekeningen, filmfragmenten en requisieten wordt de oorsprong in de miljoenenmetropool belicht van figuren als Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Captain America, Spider-Man en Iron Man. “Comics hebben een grote culturele uitstraling, maar weinigen onthouden dat zij hun wortels hebben in New York”, zei curator Louise Mirrer.
Hoogtepunt van de expositie is een originele Batmobile, het voertuig waarmee Batman in zijn films de krachten van het kwade in Gotham City bestrijdt. Tot eind februari blijven de superlui in het museum. (Belga)
Amazing Fantasy (No. 15, September 1962). Published by Atlas Magazines, Inc. Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Andrew Herman (Federal Art Project), Bowery Restaurant, 1940. The Museum of the City of New York.
Bob Kane and Bill Finger Batman (No. 1, Spring 1940). Published by Detective Comics, Inc., New York. Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Darryl McDaniels (creator), Bob Wiacek (illustrator). DMC graphic novel. © 2014 Darryl Makes Comics, LLC.
George Barris Kustom City, Batmobile, No. 3, 1966. The Morris Family Collection
Gene Colan and Johnny Craig. Original cover art for Iron Man (no. 1, May 1968). Collection of David Mandel.
Jerry Siegel (writer) and Joe Shuster (artist), Action Comics (No. 1, June 1938). Published by Detective Comics, Inc., New York. Courtesy of
Jerry Siegel with his typewriter, ca. 1943. Collection of Steve Soboroff.
Ms. magazine (Issue No. 1), 1972. New-York Historical Society. Courtesy and © Ms. magazine
Attendees at New York Comic Con. Courtesy of New York Comic Con / ReedPOP.
New York Comic Con Poster, 2011. Courtesy of New York Comic Con / ReedPOP.
Philip Pearlstein Superman, 1952. Oil on canvas.The Museum of Modern Art, New York. Image © SCALA / Art Resource and Betty Cuningham Gallery
Leslie Thomas, Penguin’s Submarine [with the Joker], painting for Batman, ca. 1966-68. Acrylic on board. James Branch Cabell Special Collections, Virginia Commonwealth University Libraries.
Steve Ditko, Original art for the first appearance of Spiderman in Amazing Fantasy (No. 15, 1962). Serial and Government Publications Division, Library of Congress, Washington D.C.
Dean Haspiel, “The Red Hook,” Trip City, 2013. Courtesy & © Dean Haspiel.
H. G. Peter, Drawing of Wonder Woman in Costume, ca. 1941. Courtesy of
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