Langste hangbrug voor voetgangers ter wereld geopend in Tsjechië

In Dolni Morava, een wintersportplaats in het noordoosten van Tsjechië, is de langste hangbrug voor voetgangers ter wereld ingehuldigd. Zoals de naam Sky Bridge 721 al verraadt, is de brug precies 721 meter lang.
Dolni Morava heeft er een nieuwe, spectaculaire attractie bij: een 721 meter lange hangbrug tussen het Jesenik en Adelaarsgebergte. De brug hangt op 95 meter boven de grond op 1116 meter boven zeeniveau en biedt een prachtig uitzicht over de Tsjechische bergen.
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DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: The longest suspension pedestrian bridge in the world Sky Bridge 721 is seen in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
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A staff member walks across the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge a day before its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: A visitor looks at the longest suspension pedestrian bridge in the world Sky Bridge 721 is seen in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
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People walk across the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge after its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 13, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

A view of the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge a day before its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

A staff member walks across the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge a day before its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: The longest suspension pedestrian bridge in the world Sky Bridge 721 is seen in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors watch the environment on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: The longest suspension pedestrian bridge in the world Sky Bridge 721 is seen in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

A staff member walks across the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge a day before its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: A visitor looks at the longest suspension pedestrian bridge in the world Sky Bridge 721 is seen in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

People walk across the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge after its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 13, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

A view of the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge a day before its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

A staff member walks across the newly-built world’s longest suspension bridge a day before its official opening in the mountain resort of Dolni Morava, Czech Republic, May 12, 2022. Picture taken May 12, 2022. REUTERS/David W Cerny *** Local Caption *** CAPTION TEST 01
© Reuters

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: The longest suspension pedestrian bridge in the world Sky Bridge 721 is seen in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors watch the environment on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

DOLNI MORAVA, CZECH REPUBLIC – MAY 9: Visitors walk on the Sky Bridge 721, the world’s longest suspension pedestrian bridge in Dolni Morava, Czech Republic on May 9, 2022. Sky Bridge 721, the longest pedestrian bridge in the world with a length of 721 meters and an elevation of 95 meters above the ground, is located in the Pardubice region (a break between the Eagle Mountains and the Jesenice). (Photo by Lukas Kabon/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

Dolni Morava lanceerde eerder al de Sky Walk: een 65 meter hoge toren met een 710 meter lang houten wandelpad dat geleidelijk naar boven slingert. Aan de top is een net gespannen waarover je van de ene naar de andere verdieping kan wandelen. Nog spannender is een 100 meter lange glijbaan vanaf de top naar beneden.
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The Dolni Morava Unique Skywalk is pictured in Dolni Morava, Central Moravia, Czech Republic, on February 12, 2016. / AFP / Radek Mica (Photo credit should read RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

The Dolni Morava Unique Skywalk is pictured in Dolni Morava, Central Moravia, Czech Republic, on February 12, 2016. (Photo by Radek Mica / AFP) (Photo by RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

The Dolni Morava Unique Skywalk is pictured in Dolni Morava, Central Moravia, Czech Republic, on February 12, 2016. / AFP / Radek Mica (Photo credit should read RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

The Dolni Morava Unique Skywalk is pictured in Dolni Morava, Central Moravia, Czech Republic, on February 12, 2016. / AFP / Radek Mica (Photo credit should read RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

The Dolni Morava Unique Skywalk is pictured in Dolni Morava, Central Moravia, Czech Republic, on February 12, 2016. (Photo by Radek Mica / AFP) (Photo by RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

The Dolni Morava Unique Skywalk is pictured in Dolni Morava, Central Moravia, Czech Republic, on February 12, 2016. / AFP / Radek Mica (Photo credit should read RADEK MICA/AFP via Getty Images)
© Getty Images

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