Bijzondere beelden: dolfijnen in door bioluminescentie blauw oplichtende oceaan in Californië


Wanneer door bioluminescentie de oceaan voor de kust van Californië blauw kleurt, is dat al bijzonder om te zien. Nog specialer wordt het wanneer dolfijnen door de blauw oplichtende golven zwemmen.

Eens in de zoveel tijd is voor de kust van Californië iets bijzonders te zien: de golven worden blauw verlicht alsof er een grote blauwe lamp op schijnt. Maar het is geen lamp die voor het blauwe licht zorgt. Piepkleine organismen zijn verantwoordelijk voor de blauwe gloed. Deze dinoflagellaten, een soort fytoplanton, lichten blauw op, waarschijnlijk om roofdieren af te schrikken.

Dit op zich is al prachtig om te zien, maar het wordt helemaal speciaal wanneer er dolfijnen door het blauw oplichtende water zwemmen. Fotograaf Patrick Coyne, die in Californië woont, had het geluk precies dat vanuit een boot te zien en te kunnen filmen.

1.0•Dolphins Swimming in Bioluminescence•
Last night was truly one of the most magical nights of my life. Capt. Ryan @lawofthelandnsea of @newportcoastaladventure invited me along to capture rare video of Dolphins swimming in bioluminescence. The first time I saw this actually filmed was a few months back while watching a Night on Earth documentary on Netflix. The second I saw that footage it became a dream of mine to one day capture something similar and that’s exactly what we did. This was by far the most challenging video I’ve shot for a number of reason. For starters the bioluminescence has sweet spots to where it shows up and then fades away so while on the water it’s impossible to just find it. Not only that but actually finding any type of animal in pitch black is just so ridiculously hard. Conditions have to be absolutely perfect for the bioluminescence to show up and to have an animal swim through it so we can film it. On top of all that just trying to nail the focus at such a wide aperture with something moving in the water was a nightmare. We were out for a few hours and on our final stretch back we finally had 2 Dolphins pop up to start the incredible glowing show. A few minutes later and we were greeted by a few more which was insane. I’m honestly still processing this all and I can’t thank @newportcoastaladventure enough for having me out because without them none of this would be possible. Be sure to check our their edit from last night as well! I hope you all enjoy this video. ———————————————————————————
Shot on a Sony a7Sii with a Rokinon 35mm Cine DS T1.5 Len.
Shutter speed: 1/50
Aperture T2
ISO 80,000patrickc_la

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•Dolphins Swimming in Bioluminescence• Last night was truly one of the most magical nights of my life. Capt. Ryan @lawofthelandnsea of @newportcoastaladventure invited me along to capture rare video of Dolphins swimming in bioluminescence. The first time I saw this actually filmed was a few months back while watching a Night on Earth documentary on Netflix. The second I saw that footage it became a dream of mine to one day capture something similar and that’s exactly what we did. This was by far the most challenging video I’ve shot for a number of reason. For starters the bioluminescence has sweet spots to where it shows up and then fades away so while on the water it’s impossible to just find it. Not only that but actually finding any type of animal in pitch black is just so ridiculously hard. Conditions have to be absolutely perfect for the bioluminescence to show up and to have an animal swim through it so we can film it. On top of all that just trying to nail the focus at such a wide aperture with something moving in the water was a nightmare. We were out for a few hours and on our final stretch back we finally had 2 Dolphins pop up to start the incredible glowing show. A few minutes later and we were greeted by a few more which was insane. I’m honestly still processing this all and I can’t thank @newportcoastaladventure enough for having me out because without them none of this would be possible. Be sure to check our their edit from last night as well! I hope you all enjoy this video. ——————————————————————————— Shot on a Sony a7Sii with a Rokinon 35mm Cine DS T1.5 Len. Shutter speed: 1/50 Aperture T2 ISO 80,000

A post shared by Patrick Coyne (@patrickc_la) on

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Ook filmmaker Skylar Wilson wist te profiteren van het bijzondere verschijnsel en maakte en video van surfer Blair Conklin die op zijn surfplank door de verlichte golven glijdt. Aan Lonely Planet vertelt ze dat ze haar hele leven al aan de Californische kust woont, maar dit nog nooit eerder gezien heeft.

1.0The bioluminescence has been insane the past few days! Hands down one of the coolest things I’ve ever experienced.

Here’s a little vid of @blairconklin hacking into some phytoplankton and lighting up the night ✨

#bioluminescence #phytoplankton #catchsurf #skimboarding #womperskyrar

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